Hi Everyone, its beeeen aaages! I'm now working out a plan to do better with blogging. Hopefully, we can get a blogger that lets you update on a phone. How's everyone doing? The weather here is fair and nice at this time. Its slightly warm during the days and cool at nights.
I'm starting out this year with pictures of my 45th year treats and the cakes I made for myself, after which I'll let y'all into what to expect in your Banquet Rooms in 2015 per cakes. These are first-ever pictures of me on Ehi's Cakes Site. I treated myself to the pixie, magical Raheem RHPhotoarts Studio Photography. Raheem throws his pixie dust at you and there goes eye candy images! AND Sherifalatikabeauty "makeOVERup"! Sherifa is a make up boss lady! Did you see the eyebrows and eyelids: thats how you know who's in it for serious business. Never mind all them folks who want to take their long standing girlfriends to the swimming pool so they can see their real faces before the final decision; that's pretensive. Were they not attracted in the first place by the made up beauty? Isn't that the whole reason for make up, so we can look pretty, so we can take some years off our faces, so we can be transformed into this model? Having said that, it shouldn't be day in day out making up, like you can't get the door without make up. MODERATION is key!
Well, here goes pictures of your Cake Artist, Enjoy!
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Monday, May 19, 2014
Hi, hope you're doing great. I have savored the cold weather these past weeks and now feel very anxious as we journey into that unbearable Houston heat. I just Zero my thoughts to enduring another 6-7 hard months of hot weather before my happy months come in again. All-in-all, I looooove Houston: bubbly in a gentle way!
In 2014, all the modern features of cake designs remain: Ruffles, fabric patterns, simplicity for elegance, some shine, Rhinestones and all the chic-ness of a beautiful cake that your cake decorator will discuss with you. In addition to these, you may:
UPDATE A CLASSIC, take a classic cake and add modern features to suit your theme.
WORK ON "WHATS'S ON THE INSIDE" of your cake. It counts! The cake inside should also take center stage with colors and textures.
INFUSE BOLD COLORS They make anything pop out. Check out Electric Blue, Metallic Green, combinations of bright colors such as Orange, Green, yellow, turquoise, red, fuchsia.
CONSIDER MULTIPLE DESSERTS: the Dessert Table will cause guests to marvel at your abundant spread of sweets and desserts.
ENSURE YOUR CAKE DESIGN MATCHES THE CENTRAL THEME. Coordinating stuff for a party gives the party that rich, expensive, sophisticated look.Have Fun!

Thursday, January 16, 2014
Happy New Year All! Welcome to 2014! May this year bring the best of your wishes and heart desires! Its so exciting to have the privilege of crossing over from one year into another, it leaves you with a certain expectancy for what's in store for you! Most Houstonians cheered the cold weather of December 2013, and very typical of Houston's erratic weather, it starts to get warmer and warmer in January, into the 70s. Hopefully, there's still some cold weeks ahead. I'm posting pictures from my promise from last year to show a couple of co-ordinates from last summer. In this post, you'll see an unusually gorgeous combination of navy and turquoise blue in two separate celebrations. Both celebrations were christian congregations honoring their pastors along with their families. I added the picture of a welcome banner that was used for one of the occasions as well as a 2014 new year clock cake, Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Hola, como estan? (Got my Spanish working!) The past weeks, probably months have been quite busy. I've saved up lots of pictures to share as our memories of the past summer. In the next couple of entries, I'll be showing off my favorite CO-ORDINATES. Every party should have a central IDEA it's showing off. This is the THEME. My close friend always says "you shouldn't have any business having a party when you don't have any idea to work with". Every party should be ACTING OUT carefully planned and predetermined activities. The hostess should carefully consider everything from invitation style, menu, songs her guests will dance to, items on the program to the paper plates that'll end up in the trash! If possible, she should add a highlight activity that'll excite the guests. Lots of Wedding receptions now have the bride, groom or bridal train putting up a choreographed dance. My first co-ordinate is my baby's 1st Birthday. We had a mini party celebration, I decided rather than the regular characters to make up our own theme using his easily recognizable items. We worked with Animals and transportation items. For the menu, we served a variety of finger foods, lots of cakes, cupcakes and candy and played kid appropriate games with attractive gifts. There are so, so many themes to work with these days: such as the TV Characters, alphabets, balloons, animals for kids and chevron pattern, damask patterns, polka dots, zebra prints, black and white etc. for adults. We had a pre-party SMASH CAKE studio photo taken by Picture People. Many thanks to TMaj photography for the beautiful pictures you now see, Enjoy!

Friday, September 20, 2013
Hello Friends, here's additional information to conclude getting a successful cake event: Having spent the much you did on your cake, you must ensure that the cake presentation during the wedding is very well taken care of. While the cake decorator takes care of the transportation and table presentation of the cake, you might have the responsibility of ensuring the "Cake Cutting Ceremony" goes well. The following is information I usually either write to or discuss with brides:
The cake cutting ceremony is one of the highlights of every event reception. For weddings, it is symbolic of the couple’s first task together, plus it makes a great photo opportunity. Traditionally, the cake cutting ceremony takes place after all the speeches and toasts and before the dances, but wherever this special ceremony is placed in your program, it turns out just as captivating and enlivens the guests’ attention. The couple should know that the more “Love” is seen in the air, the more memorable their wedding. Guests want an assurance from the couple’s display of romance that the couple do not only have friendship but are also in Love. The couple ought to pick a close friend or relative before hand who will help oversee the cake cutting ceremony. Please pick a fun person who will help interject some joy and playfulness into the ceremony. The following is the order in which the ceremony goes:
• The MC announces the ceremony making sure that photographers are already on hand to take adequate photos of the cake both before and during the cake cutting ceremony.
• The couple proceeds to the cake table with or without an accompanying low level music. At the cake table, there will be a cake knife and server, a dessert plate/platter, 2 glasses, some napkins and forks on request.
• The bride picks the cake knife up and places it at the spot on the cake from which they will cut (usually the bottom tier of the cake). The bride places her hand on the knife and the groom places his right hand over the bride’s and together they cut the cake at the overseer’s command.
• The bride cuts a piece/slice and places it on the plate or platter. (The feeding of the cake tells a lot about the personality of the couple. Remember to interject some romance, comic or fun in it.) The groom feeds the bride her first bite and then the bride feeds the groom, followed by a good kiss. Some couples like to introduce the Nigerian tradition, by having the bride kneel to feed the groom and then the “good kiss”. All of these signify the couple’s commitment to provide for one another. Remember to express your true emotions for your day so the pictures can capture the real feelings while your guests are reassured that you love one another dearly. As a thoughtful gesture and if you wish, the bride may cut a piece of the cake for her new in-laws and parents too.
Usually, the drink toast follows the cake cutting ceremony. The groom pours some drink into the glasses for the couple and the drink toast follows. Having followed this sequence, it is only natural to have the couple’s first dance right after to continue the “Love’s in the air” theme. Once these have been done, the Cake Decorator may take the cake aside where it will be cut up and served to the guests.

Sunday, August 25, 2013
Hello Everyone, how’s your summer going, and now “Back-to-school”? It’s been very busy for me, pretty much trying to juggle so many stuff together! Just take it easy, the weather’s changing in a couple more weeks, so cooling off is on the way, yaaay!
These next entries will be dealing with all the technical jargons of cake decorating, servings and the cake cutting ceremony. Everything comes easy with ordering when you already know what you need! While there are different charts and opinions out there about servings, what you’ll find here is my tried and tested recommendations. I hope you find this useful!
Now, 1 cake pan iced and decorated is called a cake LAYER, most butter cream cakes are single layer cakes. The professional cake baking pan is usually 2 inches high. Single layer cakes are usually 2 inches high plus the added inch or two of the frosting.
Two or more cakes sandwiched with fruit or cream filling is 1 TIER. These days, the trend is to sandwich 3-4 layers to give the cake some height.
A cake tier is 4 inches or more plus the height of filling and cake covering. Wedding cakes and cakes for big birthdays usually have several tiers.
When ordering a cake, three things you might have to consider are: The flavors of cake you’ll like, size of cake you want (depending on your guest count) and the design you want on the cake.
FLAVORS are the condiments added to your cake to give it a unique taste. Most bakeries have a large variety of flavors to pick from. Some of these flavors are either fruity, alcoholic, nutty, with vegetables, drinks etc. There are strawberry cakes, orange cakes, rum cakes, champagne cakes, almond cakes, coconut cakes, zucchini cakes, carrot cakes, chocolate cakes, ice cream cakes etc.
Also, you might have to think up what SHAPE of cake you want. There are uncountable shapes of cakes now that cakes are made in 3D! The basic shapes are round, rectangle, square, oval and hexagon.

There are pans for most other items but the cake decorator can also cut out shapes using the basic shapes. These are called SCULPTED CAKES! If you wanted to make a shoe cake for instance, you might need to ask your decorator if they can sculpt a shoe.

CAKE PANS are made to size. The sizes are either even or odd numbered. I usually use the even sizes. I have cake pans 4”, 6”, 8”, 10’’, 12”, 14”, 16” and 18”. The square pans give you added SERVINGS because they are full size. Round and hexagon pans give you a little bit less servings. Think about it this way: round, oval, rectangle and hexagon shapes are actually square shape trimmed on the sides. Here are my own recommendations for number of servings per pan. These are generous slices and not considering single or double layers. The double layered cake will just be extra cake for your guests.
4” cakes will serve 6-8 people,
6” cakes will serve 12-15 people,
8” will serve 20-25 people,
10” will serve 35-40 people,
12” will serve 50-60 people,
14” will serve 100-120 people,
16” will serve 140-160 people,
18” will serve about 200 people.

Cake Layers,
Modern Cakes,
Nigerian Traditional Wedding Cake,
Sculpted Cakes,
Wedding Cakes,
North America
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Hello Everyone, in this entry I’ll be talking about
a class of cakes that I make so often and a lot of my friends don't really
understand what occasion they are made for: THE NIGERIAN TRADITIONAL
We all know what part of the world Nigeria is and its
repute: good or WORST! I really hate to
dwell on the negativity that the world has come to associate with Nigerians. Like most peoples, there are some rotten eggs
and some "viable" ones, so we’ll only be
minding the business here: Nigerians are
a people of truly rich, diversified culture. Imagine
a space of just about 356+ thousand square miles with over 250 languages,
#thisiswhatyoucallrich! There are a
number of aspects of culture that run common with most of these small tribes,
like "giving in marriage". With Nigerians, the ultimate marriage ceremony is the church/mosque marriage but each
requires parental consent and the TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE is clearly the parental
consent these religious ceremonies need.
THE NIGERIAN TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE is a very rich medium to large sized ceremony
where the parents give away their daughter to her groom, fulfilling all
traditional rites. From the early days, it has added so much decorum and color, beyond just paying and receiving DOWRY (a certain cash or kind payment required by the Bride’s family for giving their daughter away in marriage). Hahaha! This makes me laugh cos
17 years ago, my parents requested just 116 Nigerian Naira from my husband for
my bride price: Mathematicians, help convert
to dollars: 116/150 x 1 US dollar. Hahahahaha!
It’s less than a dollar, people!
And I’m working overtime hours by now, still bearing children in my
40s. I hope my husband’s reading this
and understands what I mean when I say the dowry’s expired and I need a “second
marriage ceremony” in which the bride price will be determined and received by
Nigerian traditional marriage typically holds in the Bride’s home (living room) at any time of the day. Generally, the Bride’s family plays host. They fete the groom and his family in a ceremony filled with so much playful pomp and pageantry. Well ahead of the event day a family to family introduction would have taken place, where the groom’s family is given a list of items to purchase for the Traditional Marriage ceremony. THE LIST is below for your viewing.
On the day of the ceremony, the family of the groom announces their arrival with
drumming, singing and dancing and are met at the gates by the wives in the
bride’s family.
One fun thing about
this ceremony is that any group of family members is allowed to obtain cash
from the groom and his family. The groom
usually goes prepared and doles out cash like “no man’s business”. The ceremony starts with the groom's family
requesting to see the bride’s parents
and extended family. They present the groom to the bride's family all
prostrated on the floor with his friends and family. They then request for the
The bride’s family checks off their bride’s list of items. They receive the bride price (dowry) and prepare to
present the bride. Some cultures present
other girls, dressed and veiled like a bride. The groom is expected to pick his bride. The families say prayers for the new couple
and the real partying begins.
is usually Lots of foods, drinks and
dancing and finally the move. The bride’s belongings are packed
up in a car and moved to the groom’s house.
How feasible it is, is usually determined by the
new couple. (Did you notice Tosin's Shoes?, Tres Chic!)
THE CAKE: Sometimes very
detailed, usually a showpiece
of an aspect of the ceremony:
suitcases, a briefcase of cash, a basket of fruits, a building, jewelry cases, expensive cars, expensive lace or George wrappers, jewelry, beads. Tosin's cake was made to look like 4 folded
expensive George wrappers. The Cakes
were Butter and Red Velvet Flavors.
Below is my Traditional wedding 17 years ago showing me dressed in “Bini" traditional bridal beaded velvet and
very expensive coral beads.
Many thanks to the couple here, Mr. and Mrs. Addeh who gave their pictures for the blog, and to Tmaj Photography: I have carefully picked out the following links to help you view pictures of Nigerian traditional weddings, for ideas for planning yours. Some of these have more pictures on their Face book pages so you may need to start a Face book page to be able to view them. Please leave a comment to add to or make corrections to the ceremony and the list, the readers and I will appreciate that. Enjoy!
TMAJ PhotographyMany thanks to the couple here, Mr. and Mrs. Addeh who gave their pictures for the blog, and to Tmaj Photography: I have carefully picked out the following links to help you view pictures of Nigerian traditional weddings, for ideas for planning yours. Some of these have more pictures on their Face book pages so you may need to start a Face book page to be able to view them. Please leave a comment to add to or make corrections to the ceremony and the list, the readers and I will appreciate that. Enjoy!
Traditional Weddings (Edo)
Ihuoma's Nigerian-Traditional-wedding pins on Pintrest
Wedding Digest Naija
African Weddings Magazine
Nigerian Weddings
Bible/Religious Book
Ihuoma's Nigerian-Traditional-wedding pins on Pintrest
Wedding Digest Naija
African Weddings Magazine
Nigerian Weddings
The Nigerian Traditional Wedding Bride's List
Bible/Religious Book
Dowry: amount determined by tribal law and customs
Cash gifts for family members
tubers of XL Yams
Pieces XL smoked fish
Smoked wild catch meats
Pieces Kolanuts
Pieces Alligator Peppers
Pieces Bitter Kola
Basket of assorted fruits
1 jar honey in a crystal decanter
1 large crystal dish of sugar
1 large crystal dish of salt
Kegs or calabashes of Palm wine
Assorted drinks
1 live she-goat
Palm Oil
1 Umbrella
A Sewing Machine
1 Suit Case for the bride, filled with the following:
2 pairs of shoes
2 handbags or clutch purses to match
2 head ties
1 Gold Wrist watch
Traditional Wrappers: Lace, George, Hollandais Wax Prints, African Prints
Matching blouses for the wrappers
Jewelry, genuine Coral beads
Other clothes: Dresses, Skirts, Pants etc
United States